Athens Greece – The Marble Panathenaic Stadium

Athens Greece - The Marble Panathenaic Stadium © Mano Chandra Dhas

Athens, Greece – The marble Panathenaic Stadium in the capital city of Athens in Greece. It was the venue of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, one hundred and twenty years ago. It was reconstructed over the remains of an ancient Greek stadium, it is considered the only all marble stadium in the world. It’s unusual horse-shoe shape has one end virtually on the street. This photo is shot from OUTSIDE the STADIUM. In recent years it is used mainly as a venue for celebratory events like welcoming a victorious Greek team. It is also the venue for the Olympic Flame Hand-over ceremony before every modern Olympic Games. On rare ocassions the Stadium has been used as the venue for selected musical and dance concerts. There are records of the stadium seating 80,000 spectators. Photo shot in the morning sunlight, from outside the Stadium, shows one side of the Stadium; horizontal format. No people. © Mano Chandra Dhas

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