Secure Photography In Bogotá, Colombia – Tips For a Successful Shoot

Secure Photography in Bogotá

Colombia is a beautiful country and offers a myriad of beautiful vistas but how can one achieve secure photography in Bogotá? In this blog post, I will tell you of some of the things you can do and some things you should not. I have been living permanently in the City since 2012 and am a photographer. I think I am qualified to pass some tips along.

Located at 8,660 feet above mean sea level, the City has many lovely views and vistas, making Photography in Bogotá a treat. The Capital city has some beautiful and often old landmarks that are very appealing to the eye. The City needs to be respected with a camera. Everywhere. 

Usually, visitors are not prepared for the unusual flatness of a city located so high. It is the consequence of having been at the bottom of Lake Humboldt (which today is the Altiplano Cundiboyacense), millions of years ago. You therefore need not worry about difficult trekking and climbing steep mountains!

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